Arcadia Oaks-pedia

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Arcadia Oaks-pedia
Arcadia Oaks-pedia
Becoming Part 1- The amulet begins to move again
This article contains canon information corresponding to the Tales of Arcadia franchise. That means all information in this article is true and has appeared/been validated officially on-screen.

Trolls are a species of magical creatures, with hard rock-like skins and a recognizable koala-like nose. Centuries ago, a wizard called Merlin create the Amulet of Daylight, a powerful arctifact that chooses a champion, the Trollhunter, to protect the Troll civilization. The most notable Troll community is  Heartstone Trollmarket, a metropolis that is under the human city of Arcadia.The sunlight is deadly for Trolls, because it turns them into stone. Although some races are immune to sunlight, such as Stalklings and Changelings.

Know Troll Races

Exists several different races of Trolls, such as:
